Can Amazon be out Amazoned? The short answer? Probably not. I say probably because business history is littered with industry leaders that hit their zenith and then for one reason or another plummeted back down to Earth and disappeared from existence (e.g: A&P at one point was the largest food/grocery retailer in the United States). But is Amazon's culture like that of those fallen behemoths? Marc Lore learned that may not be the case when his former business, Quidsi (aka expanded product categories in an attempt to go head-to-head with Amazon bought by Amazon. In his second act with Lore opted for the enemy of his enemy in Walmart. The problem? Walmart faces an existential crisis not unlike that of industry leaders in business history like the Penn Central Railroad. Too many stores in places people aren't shopping at (or too many roads where people aren't riding) while customer flock to new methods of shopping (or taking the car instead...