In the Digital War Target has been lacking in headlines relative to its peers (i.e.: Amazon and Walmart). But recently Target's CEO, Brian Cornell, had an interview (see it here: to discuss his strategic approach. Part of that approach includes pulling back on moon-shot initiatives and focusing on the core. This includes things like; opening smaller footprint stores in urban centers, store remodeling and fulfillment.
Cornell commented that Target had brought in entrepreneurs that they provided seed money to but he felt that they were “drifting out to another universe” and that he wanted to see shorter lead-times in the payoff to the investment. He also wanted to refocus the investments on the core business with the consumer in mind first.
Is this new approach to innovation more like pitching around the edges?
Should Target have had (and should have) a long-term strategic approach that would have enabled the entrepreneurs they brought in to be tethered to the realities (and constraints) of the Target business today?
How does this compare to Amazon with Lab126? Or Walmart’s Store No. 8?
Should Target be partaking in the digital arms race that both its biggest competitors are eagerly locked in?
Or is Target’s approach more similar to that of the GE vs. Westinghouse rivalry (as a note for readers: Westinghouse was a whir of activity buying and selling businesses that in the end lack a clear strategy. General Electric is still around today).
Is this the end of eCommerce and the revival of brick & mortar? With Alibaba’s $2.88 billion purchase of a stake in a top Walmart competitor in the Chinese market one would not be faulted for answering that question affirmatively but this is probably moreso that latest stage of the Imperial Army slowly mowing down the last of the Rebels. Sure companies like Amazon and eBay are never going to forsake their digital platforms but they have wrecked enough carnage in the brick & mortar world to now have a wide enough birth to start becoming omni-channel players. What does this mean for the surviving brick & mortar companies? Be afraid. Be very afraid.
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